
Work Week and Recruitment Rules

Clothing Rules:
-Clothes should not be worn. They should be brand new.
*CLARIFICATION: Shirts should have never been washed because colors fade.
When I say you can break in your shoes, I mean around the house, NOT all over Mexico.
-You can't wear recruitment outfits during work week or during meals.
-Hair must be down everyday.
-Wear natural looking makeup.
-Wear deodorant.
-NO visible bra straps. Spaghetti straps = strapless bra!
-NO perfume.

-Nothing above your fingertips in shortness.

General House rules:
-NO talking to Potential New Members AT ALL. NO exceptions.
-NO talking about potential new members with other members or other potential new members.
-NO talking about what kind of scores you gave for the party that day.
-NO talking down about other members of the house.
-NO leaving the chapter house unless you have permission from Camille, Erin, or Anne, or have been dismissed for the day.
-NO fraternity property.
-NO talking to fraternity men in public.

-NO alcohol, even if you are 21.
-NO wearing your letters. The chapter WILL be FINED.
-NO complaining.
-NO swearing.
-NO gum.
-NO eating outside of the kitchen.
-You must be on time every day. You will be fined otherwise.
-You must attend all workshops for every part of everyday, unless previously arranged with me.
(To be sure, speak to me in person AND leave me a note in my box)
-You must sleep in the chapter house if you live in.
-Clean up after yourselves.
-Work hard.
-Have fun!



Right term > Wrong Term
Women > girls
Men > guys
Chapters > houses
Full Chapter Name (ex. Alpha Chi Omega) > Nickname (AchiO)
Fraternities > frats
Greek Students > greeks
Greek Community > greek system/greek row
Panhellenic > Pan
Interfraternity Council > IFC
House Director > house mom
Kitchen Staff > house boys
National Organization/National Headquarters > Nationals
Released > dropped
Residents > dormies, GDIs
Residence Halls > dorms
Residents Attendants > RA
Orientation Councilors > OCs
Recruitment > Rush
Potential New member > Rushee, PNM



The Schedule for Work Week and Recruitment

August 12
Exec and Day Chairs move back in to the house

August 13
Rest of the house moves in
TBD- Meeting to go over expectations, schedule, outfit checks etc.

August 14-17
9am-9pm Recruitment practice
Decorating the house

August 18-22
8.18 Panhellenic Day
Opening song: Oh Alpha Chi What A Life
Closing song: We are the Alpha Chi's
8.19 Panhellenic Day
Same as above
8.20 House Tour Day
8.21 Philanthropy Day
8.22 Preference Day
Opening song: As the Leaves Start to Fall
Closing song: Smile a While

August 23

Recruitment Outfits CHANGE

INSTEAD of the plaid shorts, white top, and matching flats we had planned for Philanthropy day, we ARE NOW DOING dark brown shorts (any lenght as long as they are not too short) with a white (any style) top, and either bright purple, bright yellow, or bright green shoes (anything from old navy flip flops to nice flats or heels is acceptable).

Those assigned violet tops for house tour day must buy purple shoes.
Those assigned sea-foam green tops for house tour day must buy green shoes.
Those assigned pink tops for house tour day must buy yellow shoes.


Panhellenic Day (Monday and Tuesday)
Lime green T-shirt provided by Panhellenic
White bottoms
Brown leather(like) sandals or flip flops
Wood jewelry

House Tour Day
Either violet, sea foam green, or pink tops
Denim bottoms (medium-medium dark wash)
Animal print shoes

Philanthropy Day
See above

Preference Day
White dress
Hot Pink shoes
Silver Jewelry